Why It’s Important to Follow Our Intuition

· go with our gut ·

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There’s never been a more important time in our history to start learning to follow (and trust) our intuition. As humans, we like to follow others because it feels safe. But what if we just ‘feel’ that something is wrong? Can we learn to trust our instincts and then use this information to then make informed decisions?

  • Skills for Personal Growth

    Skills for Personal Growth by Gutidentity

    Developing the skills needed for personal growth doesn’t have to take much, in fact, it’s quite simple and often free.  It starts with a deeper understanding of ourselves, an understanding of those around us and how we fit into the scheme of things.

  • Cleaning with ADHD

    Cleaning with ADHD - Getting stuff Done by Gutidentity

    Cleaning with ADHD can be quite the task as it can feel overwhelming especially if we leave things to the last minute. But there are things we can do to make cleaning less of a crap task, and tackle things before they get out of control.

  • ADHD and Food

    ADHD and Food - Managing symptoms naturally by Gutidentity

    When it comes to reducing the symptoms of ADHD naturally, starting with food should be the number 1 place to start. Out of all the strategies I’ve done over the years, including medication, changing what I consume has made the biggest impact.

Gutidentity - Emma Bailey

Welcome to GutIdentity!  Following the sudden onset of Coeliac Disease and Microscopic Colitis, I attempt to discover if my Gut is in fact…. my first brain.  As strange as that may sound, it’s certainly not as strange as Autoimmune Disease!

This is my journey as I explore research, novel treatment ideas, and the unique makeup of the gut and how this affects my lifestyle.

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