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	Comments on: Adult ADHD and the Fear of Failure	</title>
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	<description>Discover the first brain</description>
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		By: Emma Bailey		</title>

		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Emma Bailey]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Sat, 15 Apr 2023 01:33:39 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://gutidentity.com/?p=5469#comment-500</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[In reply to &lt;a href=&quot;https://gutidentity.com/adult-adhd-and-the-fear-of-failure/#comment-490&quot;&gt;Katie&lt;/a&gt;.

Thank you so much for your comment.  My heart goes out to you and your situation.  We are all different and ADHD affects us differently.  I could no longer take medication due to medical reasons so I have to rely on a host of strategies to get by.  It is very much a lifestyle that I&#039;ve created and I work with my strengths.  It&#039;s taken me many years to get to this point and it&#039;s always ongoing.  Don&#039;t beat yourself up because we are all in different situations.  I&#039;ve found that by working on something small at a time, I can cope better.  I then get good at that and move on to the next thing.  It takes practice and discipline.  I don&#039;t always achieve what I want but I keep trying and for me, that&#039;s key.  I do sell an eBook on ADHD without meds that might be suitable for you even though you&#039;re still taking meds.  The strategies I explain can be used alongside medication to improve your well-being. I know your efforts may seem fruitless at times but keep trying and thanks for your comment and for sharing your story.]]></description>
			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In reply to <a href="https://gutidentity.com/adult-adhd-and-the-fear-of-failure/#comment-490">Katie</a>.</p>
<p>Thank you so much for your comment.  My heart goes out to you and your situation.  We are all different and ADHD affects us differently.  I could no longer take medication due to medical reasons so I have to rely on a host of strategies to get by.  It is very much a lifestyle that I&#8217;ve created and I work with my strengths.  It&#8217;s taken me many years to get to this point and it&#8217;s always ongoing.  Don&#8217;t beat yourself up because we are all in different situations.  I&#8217;ve found that by working on something small at a time, I can cope better.  I then get good at that and move on to the next thing.  It takes practice and discipline.  I don&#8217;t always achieve what I want but I keep trying and for me, that&#8217;s key.  I do sell an eBook on ADHD without meds that might be suitable for you even though you&#8217;re still taking meds.  The strategies I explain can be used alongside medication to improve your well-being. I know your efforts may seem fruitless at times but keep trying and thanks for your comment and for sharing your story.</p>
		By: Katie		</title>

		<pubDate>Wed, 12 Apr 2023 19:31:55 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://gutidentity.com/?p=5469#comment-490</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[I have suffered ADHD all my life my fear of failure went as far as bringing me severe shaking panic attacks when I would set foot on College grounds I suffered 10 years of homelessness I am finally on my Feet Again had to get rediagnosed because I couldn&#039;t get my old files spent every penny I had to cut the red tape to get rediagnosed and I am still not at my right level on my medication sometimes I walk out the door for an appointment without grabbing my wallet other times I look at the stack of dishes and go oh my God I can&#039;t keep up with conversations I miss details that are extremely important it is embarrassing I carry shame every single day and it breaks my heart I don&#039;t want to be on disability I refuse to apply for it I am doing everything I can not to fail by starting over I am run by anxiety and without it nothing would ever get done but when my medication works Things become clear I can keep up with conversation and retain what you say even now talking about it it brings me to tears I just wish I could be like you I wish I didn&#039;t have to take something to feel better to do better to have any chance at all I have a little girl now and I have promised myself that I won&#039;t fail this time but I am terrified I am unable to get gainful employment until I&#039;m on the right dosage and right now I&#039;m not but time is of essence and the world Waits for No One]]></description>
			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I have suffered ADHD all my life my fear of failure went as far as bringing me severe shaking panic attacks when I would set foot on College grounds I suffered 10 years of homelessness I am finally on my Feet Again had to get rediagnosed because I couldn&#8217;t get my old files spent every penny I had to cut the red tape to get rediagnosed and I am still not at my right level on my medication sometimes I walk out the door for an appointment without grabbing my wallet other times I look at the stack of dishes and go oh my God I can&#8217;t keep up with conversations I miss details that are extremely important it is embarrassing I carry shame every single day and it breaks my heart I don&#8217;t want to be on disability I refuse to apply for it I am doing everything I can not to fail by starting over I am run by anxiety and without it nothing would ever get done but when my medication works Things become clear I can keep up with conversation and retain what you say even now talking about it it brings me to tears I just wish I could be like you I wish I didn&#8217;t have to take something to feel better to do better to have any chance at all I have a little girl now and I have promised myself that I won&#8217;t fail this time but I am terrified I am unable to get gainful employment until I&#8217;m on the right dosage and right now I&#8217;m not but time is of essence and the world Waits for No One</p>