Staying grounded in a dysfunctional world is a challenge but there are things we can do to help the process. So, let’s take a look at the strategies we can implement into our daily routine to make the cray-cray less crazy!

Self-Care to help protect our energy

As the world spins out of control (also depends on how we perceive this), there are things we can do to protect our energy! We need to make this our top priority. When we look after ourselves first, we are in a better position to help others. This goes for our family and then beyond.
It’s not hard and it’s not selfish. It’s highly important! Protecting our energy is key. Remember, where our focus goes, our energy flows. So if our focus is on looking after ourselves, that’s where we will get the most benefit.
Balance our life scales

Ha! I know all too well what it’s like to tip the balance of those life scales too much in the wrong direction. Unfortunately, some of us have to learn the hard way, but we can indeed learn the easy way.
The trick is to find balance. Not too much of this, and not too much of that! All I can recommend on this is to listen to what your body is telling you. We all know what is right for us and what is wrong. Listen!
learn how to self-regulate your emotions

Learning to understand our emotions and then how to regulate them, helps us be able to deal with any situation life throws at us. So no matter what crazy situation arises, we can regulate ourselves to adapt to the problem in the moment. It’s when we can’t regulate, we tend to rely on things external to ourselves – drugs, alcohol, junk food etc….
This is to soothe the feelings we feel in the moment. If we can learn to regulate these feelings, we can move more easily through the problems that we face at the time.
This then helps our overall health and teaches our body that we can indeed handle a tricky situation as it arises. We are always going to have problems, that’s a fact, but it’s how we deal with them that determines if they will become a major problem for us or not.
live life - 'f' the dysfunction

It’s way too easy to get caught up in the crap that’s going on around us. Learn to switch off! Have fun. Make the most of every moment even the really small things.
Stop the mindless scrolling through negative social media and get outside and enjoy life. Head to nature. This is my happy place. I love camping, sitting around a fire talking shit, and living in the moment surrounded by people I want to be around who also appreciate the simple things of life.
follow our intuition to avoid getting sucked into the dysfunction

Too often, people don’t listen to the little inner voice that guides us. It’s usually right. If something doesn’t feel right, it usually isn’t. Read the book ‘The Gift of Fear’. I highly recommend it. It’s about one of the only books I’ve actually read and it gives a good explanation of how we have an innate ability to ‘feel’ something before it happens. We inherently know if something is wrong but often we choose to ignore it because of what society has taught us or what we have been conditioned to think.
Start listening to your intuition. It’s there for a reason.

detatch from the dysfunction

The TV told me to do it so I did it! NO!!!!! Wake up! Don’t listen to the box in the corner of your living room. Use your brain! No one is forcing you to watch the news unless you are being held captive somewhere against your will! And if you haven’t worked out by now that it’s just curated garbage to brainwash you into believing a certain narrative, you might want to sit back and really think hard about it.
If you want info, ask someone who has been trying to warn you about what has happened over the previous 4 years. I research everything for a reason. I do not blindly follow because I trust myself, and what I look at, and then use my discernment with what I find!
If you want information, seek it. Don’t let it be fed to you -that’s called ‘indoctrination’. Learn to think for yourself and be in charge of yourself and your own mind.
This is taken directly from ChatGpt
‘Indoctrination refers to the process of teaching someone to accept a set of beliefs, ideas, or principles without questioning or critically examining them. It often involves presenting a specific ideology or viewpoint as the absolute truth, discouraging open discussion or alternative perspectives. Indoctrination is typically associated with attempts to influence or control thinking in a way that limits freedom of thought.’
think critically

So this leads me to ‘thinking critically’. In our current times (in fact any time), we need to think critically about EVERYTHING. We can ask ourselves the following:
- who is gaining from this?
- is this doing harm to someone?
- what is another perspective?
- where can I get more information?
- when have we seen this in our history before?
- why is this relevant to me or the people around me?
- why are people influenced by this?
- is there a need for this today?
We need everyone to think really critically about everything more than ever. You are not a conspiracy theorist for questioning things (I have been called this for simply doing my own research). I do my research and then make up my own mind. That’s what everyone should be doing. And do not take my word for it. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH and make up your own mind!
Get informed instead of having someone inform you!
the company we keep will either drag us down or uplift us

I’ve said this so many times in other posts, we are the sum of the people we hang around. If we want to improve, hang out with those friends who want to improve their lives.
Misery loves company!!!! Remember this. Don’t get dragged down by the people you surround yourself with. Upgrade! Everyone comes to this realisation at some point. And it’s ok. Some people come into our lives for a chapter and that’s ok as well.
As we evolve, we change and outgrow past friendships or relationships. Again, this is totally ok. Our priorities change as we do.
finding joy in the little things

Finding joy in the small things in life can help us escape the dysfunction going on around us. Sit in a park, go for a walk in nature, talk to a random person, do shit you wouldn’t normally do, and most of all, get out of your comfort zone.
There’s so much fun to have in this world and too often we don’t notice the good stuff around us because we get consumed by the bad shit. You get where I’m going with this. Reduce the negative influences and increase the joyful stuff!
There’s always someone worse off than us. We want what we can’t have and they want what we have got. So, take your time. Sit back and enjoy your time here, even the shitty bits.
be compassionate

Everyone is on their own journey. Be compassionate towards those who are still learning, growing, and finding their feet.
Practising gratitude helps us feel grateful for what we have and also for the other people in our lives and the journey they are on. Compassion for this helps us take a back seat and observe what’s going on without judgment. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Help others along the way, because ultimately we are all one. And what helps us, helps everyone in some way!
bottom line
We have to switch our perception as a collective. This means not just one of us, but all of us. The more we collectively participate in the bullshite that’s going on right now, the more our pain continues….. and boy…. it’s taking a long time for everyone to see it. But hey, everyone has to start somewhere.
Always know, that I’ve got your back whenever you want to know more, or just want to vent, I’ll be there.