The reality is, life can suck sometimes and when a giant spanner gets thrown in the mix, it can be challenging to bounce back into the game of life. When this happens, we can either be a spectator on the sideline, or a player in the game.
If we can learn to look at things from a different perspective, we can play a really advanced game. A positive and proactive game, where we are actively part of the team, and not just screaming from the sideline ‘hoping’ things will miraculously happen for us.
I think it’s really important to get the message across that we are all going to face challenges in our lives but it’s resilience, that helps us get back up, when everything turns to custard.
I wanted to write this post because I want to give a bit of background understanding as to why I started this blog in the first place. I consider myself resilient because I will never stop trying. It’s not because I am a competitive freak of nature, it’s because I want a better life for myself, my family, and beyond.
Resilience is about Bouncing back
Believe it or not, EVERYONE has got stuff going on. They may try to hide it through carefully designed Facebook or Instagram photos, where the crappy parts of life are subtly edited out of view. This is NOT reality. It’s just a different form of ‘product placement’.
Unfortunately, many people still think it’s better to hide who they truly are, but this can be exhausting. Putting up a facade is not only debilitating, it affects someone’s ability to be resilient. That’s just my personal opinion of course. Covering something up, could make it a lot harder for someone to ask for help when they need it.
Related Post – What is Resilience and Why is it so Important
Vulnerability and Resilience
One of the hardest things I’ve had to deal with was allowing myself to be vulnerable. It’s not easy sharing your thoughts in a public arena but it shows others that it’s ‘okay’. We’re all humans and it’s human nature to share problems but somewhere along the way, we have forgotten this and have become disconnected. I think this disconnect has added to a large majority of people ‘putting on a brave face’ and covering up vulnerability at all costs.
That vulnerability, or letting our guard down, helps us get back up when life is turned upside down. The moment we start sharing what’s bothering us, things seem to get easier. Two heads are better than one, a problem shared is a problem halved…. you get my drift! Idioms galore!
Resilience and Learning
When we are vulnerable, we can be honest about how we are feeling. That honesty can then lead to a learning process and then change. If we can admit we’ve made some mistakes along the way, it can provide us with an opportunity to learn from those mistakes, which I think helps with the ‘bounce back’ process after a challenge or adverse event.
Part of being resilient is being able to really be honest with yourself because change is more difficult if you’re still hiding in plain sight. The difficulty here lies in finding the strength to admit when enough is enough, and you want something different or you want to return back to what you were in the first place.

Bouncing Back takes Strength
I think some people really struggle with bouncing back after a significant challenge, because it takes strength to alter the path you’re on. And it means different things for different people because we are all unique.
It can take courage to change the direction of your life, but the way I see it, I see challenges and crises as opportunities. It’s what got me to this point right now. I’m also very grateful for how things have worked out and that keeps me going.
Life is always going to be odd, weird, strange, and even bizarre sometimes. It’s our ability to jump back into the game, and get off the sideline, even when the outcome is uncertain. This shift in mindset is where things can get really interesting, and our reaction to adverse events, becomes easier.
And when you get to that point, EVERYTHING changes. Where things that may have been previously perceived as a crisis, are then seen as opportunities and possibilities.
Learn more
If you want to learn some strategies on how to deal with feelings of being overwhelmed, check out a related post HERE.
If you are struggling to cope with anything you feel you need further support with, please contact a medical professional immediately. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a Doctor or Psychologist, who will be able to help you further.