Whether you are an ADHD Coach or Therapist, or your wanting to improve your own well-being, these ADHD Coaching and Therapy Resources cater for every facet of life.
This is a new product in my Etsy store that has already gained positive attention. They are written from my unique perspective of having ADHD, being a teacher, and having successfully reduced the symptoms of ADHD by changing my environment.
So let’s take a look at how you can either help yourself through your ADHD journey or support someone in your clinical or therapy practice or educational setting:

attention adhd coaches & therapists
Are you an ADHD Coach or ADHD Therapist and are looking for ADHD resources to support your clients to improve their lives and manage their symptoms using a variety of simple strategies? These printable ADHD Coaching / ADHD Therapy eBooks, planners and visuals can be used as a resource to work through with clients or use as part of your therapy program to offer ideas and strategies that can be used at work, home or school and are suitable for children, teens and adults with ADHD.

As an adult with an ADHD diagnosis, I have successfully managed to reduce my symptoms so much, that I no longer suffer from the debilitating symptoms I used to. This has taken me several years to achieve and because I am so amazed at my own progress, I started compiling what worked for me into short ADHD eBooks and ADHD planning workbooks.

Living with ADHD can be frustrating but there are things we can do to support ourselves to be the best we can be, and it is possible to reduce our symptoms because I’m living proof of it! And the best thing about it, most of the strategies I suggest and do myself, are free! They don’t cost anything. They just involve avoiding certain things, adding some things in, and tweaking what we are already doing. I’m also a Special Education Teacher of 20+ years so offer a unique perspective on the condition that is now affecting so many people.

So, I’ve compiled these resources to show others that individuals with ADHD can have successful and fulfilling lives either on or off medication. Helping the ADHD community has become fundamental to my life because I have experienced first-hand what it’s like to completely change my life for the better. Helping individuals to look after themselves first is key to their transformation as individuals. When we change ourselves from within, everything around us changes!

These ADHD Coaching / Therapy eBooks, planners and visuals are for multiple use and entitle the purchaser to a multiple-user license for up to 20 individuals or clients. So if you have multiple clients in your client base, use them in a small group or give them out to help guide individuals to improve their lives step by step.
What are customers saying?
“This is a huge bundle with tons of information and resources. I’m a MH therapist with ADHD, and there are tons of resources I’ll be able to use for myself and my clients. This is well-designed, easy to use, and full of information for those just learning about the diagnosis to those who’ve known forever. Emma is very communicative and helpful. I will definitely be a repeat customer as she produces more tools.”
“This collection of ADHD support materials is not only incredibly thoughtful and useful but also very creative and beautifully presented. Highly recommend.”
N Thomson
“Emma’s ADHD Coaching and Therapy Bundle is chock full of wonderful and helpful information. Thank you so much for putting this together. It’s going to be so valuable to dip in and out of as needed. Highly recommend for anyone navigating ADHD themselves or wanting to help others.”
These printable ADHD eBooks, planners and visuals can be used in the following ways:
👍 client handouts
👍 small group work
👍 therapy resources
👍 PowerPoint of Zoom presentations
👍 teacher/parent/caregiver/staff handout
👍 for use in coaching, therapy and educational settings for up to 20 individuals
👍 or for personal use

So if you’re looking to improve your current situation on your own, or you’re an ADHD Coach or Therapist looking for resources to give to clients, check out this ADHD bundle of resources that cover all facets of life.
They are a good place to start 🙂