When I was first diagnosed with Coeliac Disease, I had no idea really what vitamins, minerals and nutrients were essential for my health so I started creating infographics. Read on to see what I learned.
Category Archives: Coeliac Disease
Coeliac Disease (Celiac) is a complex autoimmune disease that seems to be on the rise. Just how the disease develops through environmental factors that impact the human genome, is currently not well understood. Genetics play a role in predisposing individuals to the disease, but how an individual interacts within their environment, may begin to explain why more and more individuals are developing it in society today.
The Clean 15 and the Dirty Dozen 2022
The Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 lists are out for 2022! These two lists are brought out each year detailing the amount of pesticide residue left on fruit and vegetables. These lists provide a guide for us, the consumer, as to what food can be bought from the supermarket, or whether an organic piece of produce would be more suitable.
What is the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15?
The Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 are two lists brought out each year detailing the amount of pesticide residue left on fruit and vegetables. These lists provide a guide for the consumer as to what food can be bought from the supermarket, or whether an organic piece of produce would be more suitable.
Vitamin A for Gut Health
If we’re ever running low on Vitamin A, there are loads of different foods we can add to our day, to support our gut health. Vitamin A is a micronutrient and plays an important role in immune system functioning. It’s associated with anti-inflammation properties and is important for our eyes, skin and the function of other organs in the body.
Ways to get Children Helping in the Kitchen
There are many different ways we can get children helping in the kitchen. The earlier they start, the more interested they become in food, where it comes from, and how to make stuff themselves.