Can too much gluten lead to autoimmune disease? What happens when we tip the balance in our gut too far and ignore the warning signs?
Category Archives: Coeliac Disease
Coeliac Disease (Celiac) is a complex autoimmune disease that seems to be on the rise. Just how the disease develops through environmental factors that impact the human genome, is currently not well understood. Genetics play a role in predisposing individuals to the disease, but how an individual interacts within their environment, may begin to explain why more and more individuals are developing it in society today.
Is Coeliac Disease Increasing?
Awareness of Coeliac Disease is growing slowly but it doesn’t seem to account for the increasing rates of diagnosis seen over the past 4 to 5 decades.
Gluten and Coeliac Disease
Gluten seems to be in so many foods, drinks and supplements which is alarming for those facing an unexpected diagnosis of Coeliac Disease.
Coeliac Disease and Gut Health
Could a lifetime of poor diet and poor gut health have contributed to me suddenly and violently developing Coeliac Disease?