Getting creative with different movement ideas, can help both us adults and children. Movement can help us to relax, improve our focus and concentration, and is a great way to bring us all together.

Playing Instruments for concentration & self-expression
Playing any type of instrument helps with coordination, attention and concentration. It also helps develop self-control because focus and attention needs to be placed on timing, listening and then responding. Instrumental play also helps with the coordination between the senses of sound, sight and touch.
Playing an instrument doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. Using a shaker or triangle can help an individual join in a music session in their own unique way. This is good in group situations, where everyone can participate in the group, without the need to be overly coordinated.
Listen to the Rhythm to improve coordination & memory

Moving to the rhythm of music helps with coordination and memory plus it just feels good to move in time with sound. Rhythm can be used before an activity to help with focus and it can also be used to develop hand-eye coordination.
Try tapping, clicking, clapping, thigh-slapping and side-stepping. Have one individual start a movement while the rest of the group follows in time by observing. Like ‘follow the leader’. There’s no right or wrong way to do this.
Music that’s 80 beats per minute is good for slowing down the heart rate. Make a playlist that’s easy to access and try putting it on after children have had their break. It’s also a good way to transition into a new activity and forget what may or may not have happened out in the playground.
Moving to the rhythm of music is a good way to relax and move on to the next thing in a positive and calm way.
Drumming away stress & tension

Drumming of all kinds is a great way to release tension. Built-up tension in our body can create feelings of stress and anxiety. Long-term and ongoing stress can lead to inflammation. Lowering any inflammation can help support our immune system to then function better.
Tapping, banging, pounding etc… can be done on different drums and it’s a great way to include individuals of any ability. Drumming also helps with impulse control and eye-hand coordination.
Drumming can help improve communication skills and things like following instructions, by providing the perfect opportunity to put words and phrases to a beat.
Express yourself through dance

Our bodies were designed to move. Dancing helps us release energy, develop control and it also lets us express ourselves in our own unique way. Dancing can be as simple as playing a few songs and dancing around the house (or classroom) with, or without children.
Try putting on some music for 2 minutes & dance. We can then take note of how we feel afterwards to see if we notice a difference.
Schedule time in each day to give this a go.
Freestyler – Rock the Microphone
Freestyling is one of the best ways to express ourselves without the need to be overly coordinated. It provides the opportunity for even the reluctant (or shy) individual to join in, in a way that feels comfortable to them.
Freestyling in any form helps release energy in a positive way. Because it allows for individuals to ‘just go nuts’, it’s best to do it before having a break as it can hype us up if the music is fast paced.
Experiment with a variety of music to see the reaction, and then schedule these at different times of the day to suit different settings & situations.
Sing, sing, sing

Singing relieves tension, encourages self-expression, and is seen in every culture around the world. It exercises the tongue and lips & helps individuals who may have difficulty with language and communication. If an individual doesn’t want to sing, they can mouth the words instead until they build confidence.
Singing helps us experience sound through variations in speed, pitch and volume. It provides an excellent opportunity to learn new words and phrases, as well as important instructions & routines.
Singing instructions when working with groups, provides a calm way to get things done. Singing unites us. It brings people together, it can be super relaxing, and enjoyable for everyone involved. SING until your heart’s content!
The power of music

Music has the incredible ability to change how we feel. Different genres of music can either bring us up, calm us, or make us very emotional. It can change our emotions quickly while giving us the motivation to also get stuff done.
Music can help motivate us to clean up, cook, organise things, and support us in doing other activities that we don’t find interesting or engaging.
Making a playlist for ourselves, certain activities, groups, and individuals, means that the songs we might need in a hurry, are at our fingertips when required.
Calming music is a great way to settle children after a break or when there’s much needed ‘quiet time’ first thing in the morning or later in the afternoon.
EVERYTHING is better with music. Try it.
Bottom line – Do what works!
Experiment, try, and then look at the results.
And remember, just have FUN & MOVE.