When we’re under stress, it’s easy to forget to help out our gut and immune system so they can function to the best of their ability under pressure. By looking after these two important parts of the body, the brain will also function better. This helps us to then make better decisions, and navigate stressful situations better.
Anyone who has ever suffered stress or anxiety will know they feel it in the gut. Whether it’s by hearing it rumble, feeling butterflies, or struggling with just the thought of eating, will understand that the gut is giving us signals. It’s important to listen carefully to them, to keep our immune system in peak condition so it can fight infection and reduce our chance of developing disease.
here are some things I do when stressed, to help out my gut and immune system

Food that will heal, not harm
When we’re stressed, it’s very easy to slip into bad eating habits to numb or dull any emotional pain or anxiety we may be feeling. The problem with doing this, is everything we put in our mouths, goes through the gut and causes either a good feeling in our brain or not so good. We all know that we can ‘crash’ after eating crappy food, with some foods making us feel foggy and less alert like food with too much sugar. Reach for food that will heal, not harm (or at least try).
Gentle Exercise for stress reduction
When under stress, gentle exercise that helps clear the mind and gets the body moving is beneficial. It’s important to not stay stagnant and veg on a couch, but instead, keep the body flowing and moving. Walking is a great way to clear the mind, especially when listening to motivational music. Getting close to nature will also help with reducing stress levels and improving mood. When our body is under pressure, gentle and regular exercise is good for digestion – so good for our gut and immune system.
use quality supplements when stressed
I only ever use supplements if I’m under stress or know my diet is lacking in something at a certain point. I assess my diet and work out what might be lacking at the time due to my circumstances. If I need a probiotic, I’ll take a high-quality one. If I feel like I’m not getting enough nutrients from my diet because of my situation at the time, I’ll use vitamins to supplement my diet. Make sure you talk to a nutritionist about this before taking ANYTHING because everyone is different.
sleep and rest to support immune system functioning
When under stress, it can be hard to sleep. It’s important to not push ourselves too much and know when to stop and rest. If this means getting an early night, then do it. If you wake up early like me, hit the hay early if you can. Take time out during the day to rest or meditate. I do this every day and it helps me relax and clear my mind.
Theta waves for calming
Theta binaural beats are a type of sound wave that are my go-to sound when I need to find calm. I use the app ‘Insight Timer’ where there are different forms of meditation. I use a 10-minute one that is only sound, and a guided 25-minute one for sleep. The 10-minute one is perfect for finding calm in the moment and unwinding before bed. They help me relax, which in turn, supports my immune system to function better. Or at least, that’s my aim.
vitamin D to reduce stress
I can’t stress this enough (excuse the pun) but getting outside and getting free Vitamin D, is essential to the gut and the immune system. I’m not a medical professional but what I do know, is that I got my vitamin D levels tested and they are in the optimal range. I want to keep these in that range but I don’t want to get burnt or get skin cancer.
I do short bursts in the sun and then cover up if I’m in it for longer. Move away from artificial lighting, and eat lunch or go for a walk outside when you can. Getting enough Vitamin D also helps with elevating how we feel and helps with sleep at night.
Read more about how Vitamin D can help the immune system to function better.
breathing to reduce stress and improve our gut and immune system functioning
By slowing our breath down and breathing from the belly and not the upper part of our body, we can reduce the stress levels in the body. Breathing exercises can help with digestive issues. When the body is in flight or fight mode, digestion gets pushed to the side. This can then interfere with our immune system functioning, which can result in increased inflammation in the body. Nobody wants that!
Deep breathing can help. Use an app, sit or stand, mindfully breathe while out walking, or just lie down and take 5. Any of these ways will help calm the nervous system and help our gut to relax too.
Related post:
seek support
If you feel like you have gut issues due to stress, seek help from your Doctor. They will be able to point you in the right direction to help you get your stress levels or digestive issues, under control.
Further Reading & Information
If you would like more information and are interested in finding out more on these topics, check out the links below:
Sleep Quality and Gut Microbiome Diversity – Click HERE
Gut Microbiome and Gut Barrier, Vitamin D, Autoimmune Disease – Click HERE
Microbiota, Immune System, Gut-Brain Axis, Nervous System – Click HERE
Exercise, the Gut-Brain Axis, Probiotics – Click HERE
Vitamin D, Microbiome – Click HERE
Vitamin D Function in the Body – Click HERE
Binaural Beat Study – Click HERE
Meditation, Immune Function, Stress Management – Click HERE
Digital Downloads
For a digital download on additional strategies around lifestyle and gut health, click the image below. This will take to you to my store on Etsy.
Realy good service and God shiva bless you and your family.
Thanks and regards
Thank you. Your blessing is received. Warm regards. Emma
Hi, Emma
You really did a tremendous effort putting all useful information into this amazing article nicely focused on the topic.
Thanks for the wonderful feedback. It’s greatly appreciated. Emma
What sources did you use for research for this article?
Hi Molly,
I’ve added some links to several studies that examine different aspects of the topics I discussed. A lot of what I write about is based on my own experience and research through having both Coeliac Disease and ADHD. Through my experience of reducing the stress in my life, I’ve learned that many environmental factors impact gut health- namely nutrition, exercise, meditation and of course, reducing environmental stressors and how our lifestyle affects the functioning of our immune system. I’ve also learned that I’ve had to become my own doctor as the research out there is either very new, or I have to pay for the full article. More research is being brought out all the time though which is promising. I’ve had my own gut microbiome tested 3 times now, and continue to get my vitamin levels tested twice yearly to make sure they are at optimal levels. Hope the resources are of some help. If you want any more information, please reach out and I’ll try to help.