Walking for a better mindset encompasses many variables. It’s free, easy, and helps our mind, body and soul in many different ways.
So let’s take a look at how walking can help us, and why you could add it to your daily routine to improve your outlook on life.

Walk your problems away

Walking provides the perfect opportunity to focus on solutions rather than problems. I know that if I’m facing a challenging situation, sitting still in the last thing I want to be doing. By moving my body, I am able to create energy (often needed in challenging times) which helps my mind and body to feel better in general.
If I add uplifting music to my walk (you can find my playlists on Spotify), solutions to problems often flow easier as well. It lifts my mood and creates the space needed to figure out what my next move will be.
Next time you have a problem arise, try walking instead of relying on an unhealthy coping mechanisms. Train your body to do this every time to create a habit. It does work if we keep at it.
Access more sun while walking for improved mood

When we walk outdoors, we have a greater chance to access the sun. The sun helps our bodies make vitamin D. Vitamin D is known to improve mood. So talking our worries outside with us on a walk can often help them melt away as our mood improves with the help of the sun.
Plus, being in the sun just feels better. The sun has a natural way of lifting our spirits while we’re out walking. Sunlight triggers the release of serotonin, a mood-boosting chemical that helps us feel calmer and happier. Just a few minutes in the sun can brighten our mood, energise us, and remind us of the simple joy of being outside.
Reduce stress by walking outside

Even a short walk around the block can reduce feelings of stress. It can lower cortisol levels in the body.
I don’t think there has ever been a time when I come back from a walk feeling worse than when I set out. And if by the off chance I don’t feel completely better by the end of it, I’ll walk for a bit more until I do (if time permits).
Next time you feel stressed out, head outdoors for a quick walk to see if your stress lifts. Take note of how you felt afterwards and repeat it again to see if you get the same result.
Improved mood by walking

Walking in general just seems to improve how we feel. As I said earlier, the sun helps us and the movement can calm the mind while producing feel good chemicals in the body naturally.
The great thing about walking is that it’s also free. We don’t have to spend loads of money for a gym sub because we can access walking almost anywhere, any time, and for as long as want.
Walking in nature makes us feel good

Walking in nature, and getting some fresh air, provides us with a calming effect. I find that walking near trees or large bodies of water, enhances the calming effect.
When I lived in London, I used to walk around the dirty streets of the East End. But it didn’t bother me. I still did it. Obviously, a park or beach would be nicer, but don’t let your environment put you off. Make the best of whatever situation you find yourself in.
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Here are some additional benefits of being in nature. The two do overlap as you will see giving us even more reasons to get outdoors.

Connect to something greater when walking

I find walking helps me feel closer to what I call the ‘Creator’. The creator of this realm or whatever you want to call it. You also don’t have to call it anything, or perhaps you might like to call it ‘God’ or the Universe. I guess whatever your belief system, walking provides the space to switch off from the noise of the outside world, and connect with something greater than ourselves.
It also can provide an opportunity to go within and listen to our inner voice. This is particularly helpful if we are trying to make a decision about something important, or we find ourselves in a negative mindset.
Increased creativity when walking

I come up with some of my best ideas when out walking. I used to use walking a lot when I was studying or writing an essay. If I was stuck on a question or found myself frustrated with not understanding the topic, I’d head out for a walk. Repeating it over and over again while walking would help me come up with an idea or the answer I was looking for.
Now I use my walking time to come up with creative content that helps me and helps others at the same time. I often get ideas for graphics while walking which I then form into an infographic.
Improved sleep quality from daily walking

We don’t have to walk for hours, but walking in the early morning can improve how we sleep. By getting sunlight directly into our eyes (ditch the sunglasses), we help ourselves wake up which has a direct result on our circadian rhythm. This is a our sleep/wake cycle which helps our body understand when it’s time to be awake, and when it’s time to wind down. We can also improve our sleep by grounding our feet to the earth.
Remember when you were a kid and spent the day at the beach? How well did you sleep after walking on the sand all day with bare feet? We get energy from the earth and this can help our sleep.
Physical activity can improve sleep quality which has an impact on what we do the next day from what we eat, to how much physical activity we partake in.
Walk to maintain a healthy weight

Walking on a daily basis helps us maintain a healthy weight. It can help us burn more calories, keeps our metabolism active, and helps prevent weight gain. This helps our mindset because we feel better about ourselves when we are looking and feeling better. Remember that the outside of our body is just a reflection of what’s going on inside.
Walking is also really good for any fitness level as we can walk as little or as much as needed for our specific needs without the need for intense workouts. Plus, walking regularly can curb cravings and improve our digestion, supporting healthier eating habits. It’s low-impact if we choose to walk around the streets, so it’s gentle on our bodies, and it’s something we can do almost anywhere — just chuck on your trainers and go!
Bottom line
Waking is one of the easiest and cheapest things we can do that can help improve our mindset. It’s a highly accessible activity that can improve everything from sparking creativity, reducing our stress levels, to improving how we feel. Walking combined with nature can have an even better effect on our mindset and improve our quality of life.
So, what are you waiting for….. beat the feet and get walking today to improve how you feel 🙂