There are many ways we can look after ourselves first that are easy to add into our daily routine. It may seem like a selfish act when in fact, ‘self-care’, is the most important thing we can do. If we can take care of ourselves before doing anything else, we free up space to then help those around us.
Here are some of the ways I practise self-care.
Switch off for a bit
This is probably one of the hardest things to do in today’s world where everywhere we go, our tech follows. Switching off takes a lot of self-discipline but it can be achieved by putting a few boundaries in place.
A good place to start is by turning off any notifications on devices. This puts us in control of our devices and not the other way around. Use the ‘do not disturb‘ function on the phone.
Another good way of switching off is to turn off the TV. The constant stream of negative media can have more of an effect on our well-being than we may realise. By switching this off and only seeking the information we need, self-care for ourselves can be a little bit easier.
creativity can flow better, through our practice of self-care
Self-care can come in the form of doing something creative. We don’t have to be an artist or the best at drawing, but there is creativity in all of us, we just need to find the time to express it.
Doodling, colouring or even taking photos, can be a form of self-care because it allows us the time to work with our hands. It can sometimes open up how we are feeling about things which then provides an opportunity to know ourselves better.

By giving ourselves the time to be creative, we may just discover talents that we never knew existed. This then provides a great opportunity to share this with others. To empower others to do the same. Share your creativity with the world. It may just help someone else to do the same.
Related post on Improving Our Well-Being.
self-care through water
Just being near water helps me feel calm and relaxed. It’s an instant relief and can provide a break from the hustle and bustle of life. If you can’t access a pool or the beach, a shower or bath can be a good form of self-care.
I’ve seen articles that state just by looking out into vast open spaces of water like the beach, can promote instant feelings of calm. Having a shower can also reduce feelings of anxiety. Check out this article that explains this strategy in more depth.
reading for self-care
Taking time to read can be a great form of self-care that doesn’t require much effort. If you’re not the reading kind like me due to concentration, try audiobooks to wind down. These are good in the evening and a good way to reduce unwanted stimulation before hitting the hay.

There is also a multitude of mindful stories that are available on different apps such as Insight Timer. They can provide a different sort of stimulus break for the brain and act as a form of relaxation.
Whether it’s reading or listening, a break from tech and the outside world can be an easy self-care strategy to add into our day.
give yourself a break. take a nap

Yes, that’s right. Take a short nap to recharge. Taking a break in the form of a nap can help some of us relax and reset. By taking a quick 10-20 minute nap, meditating, sleep or whatever you want to call it, provides another opportunity to switch off for a bit. It’s what we would do for children so there’s no reason it shouldn’t be applicable to us adults.
Yes, it can be hard in today’s fast-paced world, but being able to switch off quite literally can’t hurt…. can it!?!
write stuff down
It may feel weird at the start to write down how we are feeling but it’s a good way of recording our emotions on a day to day basis. By doing this, it can help us see patterns giving us the opportunity to examine how our feelings may fluctuate.

By journaling our emotions, we can get an idea of where we might need to focus (or unfocus) our attention. Writing stuff down can help us release what might be running in the background of our subconscious, allowing us to become more aware of this process.
When we run on autopilot or default mode, our brain might not have the time to process what’s going on. By recording it on paper, we are presented with a chance to go back and query the ‘theme’ that’s occurring. This can lead to greater self-awareness of our thought processes and patterns. This form of self-care has been a great way for me to be able to keep track of thinking through being more aware.
nature, nature, nature
If there’s one thing I’ve learned through my self-care practice, is that being in nature produces an immediate feeling of calm. Whether it’s to just switch off or to really appreciate the beautiful things around me, it’s something I do on a daily basis.
Often there are amazing things right on our doorstep. Every walk I take seems to offer up an amazing piece of architecture of nature. The trick is to actually be aware when doing this form of self-care.
To really comprehend how nature can thrive in the most obscure places and that every ‘thing’ has its place in the landscape of life, we need to get outside to see it. Taking the time can be achieved in as little as 10 minutes a day so it’s easy to fit into our daily routine.
add writing or drawing to our self-care routine

By drawing or writing things down, can help with expressing how we feel. This self-care practice can help us become aware of our thoughts, our actions, and even our beliefs.
It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just grab a piece of paper and go for it. If putting pen or pencil to paper isn’t your thing, use a tablet, laptop or another device, to doodle, scribble, or whatever takes your fancy.
It may surprise you in what you’re actually capable of, when expressing yourself through the physical act of getting what’s in your head, onto something else.
music – a necessary component of self-care

Music has the ability to alter our state of mind rapidly. Whether we put it on for a break in routine, or we have it playing in the background while we go about our daily routine, it’s beneficial. Either way, it can calm us down or uplift how we feel.
Making a playlist for different emotions, routines or events can help us get the right music for the right time. This can be set up in an app like Spotify. This is where I have all of my playlists so I can access them quickly on demand.
walking as a form of self-care

Walking isn’t hard. Other forms of exercise like running or running 😉 are much harder. But walking doesn’t take much effort. Whether it’s to the local shops, going to an appointment, or just to get out of the house, walking is EASY. We just have to make ourselves do it.
Walking can be done in nature or even around the streets. Every walk I go on, I see something new and exciting. Street art is prolific in Darwin and I’m forever grateful for what I see. Take this example for instance:
by putting our self-care first, we can then be more available to others
It’s often hard to put ourselves first, but if we look after our own health and well-being through self-care, we can become more available to then help others.
Here are some extra ways we can reduce any further stress in our lives. Looking after ourselves needs to be our top priority.

Self-care can be a process that we can build on. It’s important to incorporate strategies gradually so it’s not too overwhelming. By adding in one thing a week and building on strategies, self-care becomes a way of life.
Give it a go! Monitor the results. Feel the difference 🙂