There are always going to be challenges so building resilience is an absolute necessity for when issues crop up in the future. Over the past 5-6 months I’ve had my website continually hacked, pretty badly in fact. It’s still facing issues as I rebuild my reputation but I now have a great team of people working with me to make sure my site stays secure. On top of this, my graphics are constantly being copied and ripped off.
Some even try to sell them on Amazon and Temu and I’m constantly having to put in copyright submissions against them. Some even go as far as removing my logo and brand name and putting theirs over the top. I could take this as a compliment, but I’d prefer anyone who wants to use my graphics, credit me as the source and not try to sell my work.
Copyright issues are the side of my brand that most people don’t realise. I’m just one person. All of my graphics are my original work. It’s great that others like them but it’s not great that people rip them off. Unfortunately, this is a downfall of the digital world. Anyone can alter images and pass them off as their own. On Pinterest, I now strike accounts that use my graphics to promote their unrelated content or alter my graphics. Repeat offenders incur a ban from Pinterest and it can result in the termination of their account so it’s not worth it. The best thing to do is to create your own content and designs, not steal other people’s intellectual property.
But in spite of these challenges, I keep going. Why? Because I believe that the information I share is important information that many people can use to help them improve their own lives. I like to help people and won’t let challenges set me back. Instead I use them to learn from, and make myself, and what I do, even better each time!
Building Resilience Strategies for the Future

There will always be shit times
Trust me when I say there’s always going to be shitty times but it’s how we handle the shitty times, that determines how we handle future challenges.
I do believe resilience can be learned. We don’t know how strong we are until we are put in a position where we have to really dig deep. Sometimes that has to be the hard way but it really doesn’t have to be this way if we don’t want it to be.
My whole perspective on challenges has changed over the past 5 years. I don’t see them as a problem. I see them as a learning experience. What can I learn from this situation that I’m being presented with? I also don’t believe I’ll be given anything I can’t handle. I remind myself of that when shit really hits the fan. Taking this mindset helps me cope with challenges as they arise.
I’m also a believer in the fact that if we don’t deal with a situation when it is being presented to us, it will continue to present itself to us until we take notice. Some would call this Karma. I tend to feel that this is correct. If we don’t deal with it, it will pop up somewhere else.
Mindset is key to developing resilience

We can always try to have a positive mindset but it’s in the truly believing that we are taken care of and we will overcome whatever challenge is presented to us, is where the real magic happens. I guess it depends on if you believe in a higher power or not.
If you’re like me, you’ll have a feeling of protection that’s hard to describe. I know I’ll be fine and everything will work out because it always does. Putting our faith in to something greater than us helps. Give it a try by changing the way you see yourself in the grand scheme of things. Hand your troubles over to something else. Do it with an open mind. A closed mind doesn’t go anywhere except in its own echo chamber 😉
Developing self-awareness helps us with developing resilience
Developing a good understanding of who we are can be achieved through self-reflection. This helps us develop an understanding of awareness that helps us identify our strengths and areas of need.

When we begin to have an understanding of ourselves, we can then work on the areas that might need attention. When a difficult situation then comes up, we have more of an idea of how we will react and what coping mechanisms we might rely on.
But self-reflection doesn’t come from just watching others do stuff, watching some spiritual clips of YouTube, or busying our minds with stuff. It comes from doing inner work, and quite intense inner work. For me, it involved facing the shadowy areas of my life and really investigating them. What did I want? How would I cope? Was a willing to take a chance?

By doing the inner work, we get a better understanding of ourselves. This helped me to know what could trigger destructive behaviour and what I could rely on when times got tough. One major thing I’ve learned over the past 5 years is that I one hundred percent trust myself. I trust myself to do the right thing when things get tough.
And having that trust with myself is something that will not be able to be broken. That trust come from being completely honest with ourselves. This is not always comfortable, in fact, it can be very confronting because we have to face some aspects of our ego that are challenging. If we can develop this trust with ourselves, we can overcome challenges with more ease, strengthening our resilience.
Being committed to being resilient by changing aspects of our lives

Being resilient doesn’t just happen in all of us. Some of us have to learn through extreme adverse situations. This could be leaving toxic relationships or friendships, changing careers, or standing up against injustice. Whatever the challenge is, we can deploy a range of strategies that will help us cope and get through rough times.
Resilience is supported when we look after ourselves. This takes a coordinated approach that involves different facets of our lives. Looking after our physical body, our mind and of course our spirit. From what I’ve found, if I don’t follow what my spirit wants to do, my physical body suffers. So looking after myself comes before anything else. If our body and mind is not in a good place, this will affect how resilient we are when challenges arise. Think back to the days of the ‘pandemic’. I saw this as a massive opportunity to improve and change my life whereas other people I know, completely crumbled, gave in to pressure in one form or another, or drank themselves into oblivion.
But there’s no judgement here. We all had to do what we had to do at the time. The good thing is, change can happen at any moment. You can make the decision to change right now!!!!
If you want ideas on how you can look after yourself, or want ideas to improve your lifestyle, check out the following blog category. Click the image below.
Gratitude helps so much with resilience
Gratitude helps with many different aspects of our lives and here’s how gratitude benefits us all.

Being grateful for what we have has a massive impact on how we cope with challenges and whether we are resilient or not. Sometimes, it can be hard being grateful if things seem shit, but there is always someone worse off than us. That person would probably love our life so putting things into perspective is important.
It’s also not going to be the end of the world when the majority of things happen to us. They may seem awful at the time, heart breaking, and incredibly hurtful or just downright wrong. But we do get over things. Relying on good strategies and having solid goals can help during this time. Focusing on what we can control also helps.
If you’re struggling with grief of any kind, check out this related post that might help you move through the stages.

Bottom line
So, I guess you can take what you want from my posts. Obviously, don’t take my graphics without seeking approval, but we are all on our own journeys so you have to make up your own mind.
I share my experiences of challenges as it may help someone else overcome a difficult period they’re going through.
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