Many fruits contain zinc which support a healthy immune system allowing our body to recover faster due to its anti-inflammatory actions.
Category Archives: Food
Food is, of course, essential for our existence as humans. Unfortunately, the food we eat in today’s world, just isn’t what it used to be. Discover how what we eat, can affect our gut microbiome, and the impact it can then have on the brain.
Changing our Perception of Disease
By changing our perception of disease, we could prevent and reduce chronic disease rates in our society. But in order for us to do this, we need to understand our mindset and what motivates us to change.
Is Coeliac Disease Increasing?
Awareness of Coeliac Disease is growing slowly but it doesn’t seem to account for the increasing rates of diagnosis seen over the past 4 to 5 decades.
Gluten and Coeliac Disease
Gluten seems to be in so many foods, drinks and supplements which is alarming for those facing an unexpected diagnosis of Coeliac Disease.