Meditation and adult ADHD are like opposites on a stormy continuum. But, being armed with a bit of motivation and a few strategies, calming the storm within, is possible.
Category Archives: Lifestyle
Lifestyle can be defined as ‘the way in which a person lives’ and it’s rapidly changing- sometimes for the better, sometimes not. More often than not, we try to make positive changes only to fall flat on our faces. Why? I want to know why so many people seem unhappy and sick these days. The great thing is, it’s possible to change our lives with a bit of help and some resources to get us on the right track.
Changing our Perception of Disease
By changing our perception of disease, we could prevent and reduce chronic disease rates in our society. But in order for us to do this, we need to understand our mindset and what motivates us to change.
ADHD and Sleep
ADHD and sleep are two words that just don’t go well together. Why does the ADHD brain seem to turn on, when everyone else, is switching off?
Can too much Gluten Lead to Autoimmune Disease?
Can too much gluten lead to autoimmune disease? What happens when we tip the balance in our gut too far and ignore the warning signs?
Is Coeliac Disease Increasing?
Awareness of Coeliac Disease is growing slowly but it doesn’t seem to account for the increasing rates of diagnosis seen over the past 4 to 5 decades.