Drinking Tea to Help Relieve Anxiety and Stress

There are many ways we can relieve our stress and anxiety, and drinking different kinds of tea is one of them. Check out the video infographic for some ideas and we’ll dive a little deeper into what each tea has to offer.


Different Tea to Relieve Anxiety and Stress by Gutidentity


Passionflower Tea to reduce anxiety

Passionflower tea to reduce anxiety by Gutidentity


Lavender tea to induce feelings of calm

Lavender tea to induce feelings of calm by Gutidentity


Rose tea to reduce feelings of stress

Rose tea to reduce feelings of stress by Gutidentity


Lemon Balm tea to increase feelings of calm

Lemon Balm tea to increase feelings of calm by Gutidentity


Peppermint tea to help relieve tension headaches

Peppermint tea to help relieve tension headaches by Gutidentity


Valerian tea to relieve anxiety and promote better sleep

Valerian tea to relieve anxiety and promote better sleep by Gutidentity


Green tea to improve energy and our overall well-being

Green tea to improve energy and our overall well-being by Gutidentity


Chamomile tea to relieve anxiety, reduce pain, and promote sleep

Chamomile tea to relieve anxiety, reduce pain, and promote sleep by Gutidentity


Want to do more to improve any anxiety or stress?

If yes, check out my range of digital products that will help you get started. They are presented in bite-sized bits of info so it’s not too overwhelming.

Using Tea to Help with Anxiety and Stress - Gutidentity 9 page ebook


For more resources, head to my Etsy Store @ Gutidentity

by clicking the image below.

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Drinking Tea to Help Relieve Anxiety and Stress by Gutidentity

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