Following our dreams is not really something that is drummed into us as we grow up. It’s more something that over time, we can start to gravitate to. So, let’s explore what following our dreams may look like in the practical sense.
Check out the infographic below:

Self-care is integral to maintaining balance

Having a good self-care routine may sound a bit selfish out there but it’s one of the best things we can do for ourselves. It helps us maintain balance in our lives because sometimes we can tip the scales too far in one direction – I know because I’ve been there. When balance is achieved, or close to it, it frees up the mind space to unleash creativity. That’s where the fun begins. A freer mind equals more space to create! And when we get into creator mode, well, anything can happen.
As an example, take a short look around the environment you are currently in. Everything, and I mean everything, was created by someone. It started as a thought, then it was brought into reality. Think about that. It was an idea, then someone acted upon it.
So, if you want to follow that dream your chasing, start at ground level and look after yourself first. Self-care is a great way to do that. What does our mind need? What does our body need? What does our soul need?
being unique - we are living our dream not someone elses

Being unique is what makes us who we are. We could copy someone’s stuff all day long but who wants to see copies upon copies of the same content? We are all different and that’s what makes us great as humans!!! Being original brings the opportunity to share new ideas and creations.
What I’ve learned from my experience is to be original. If people like it, they like it. We also can’t please everyone. That can be a common mistake people make these days when trying to attract an audience is trying to please everyone. That’s never going to happen and there will also be critics and naysayers who will try to bring you down no matter what. The trick is to push that aside and carry on. Just be you, and enjoy it. It can be uncomfortable at times but ease into that and go with it.
Energy - following our dreams does take energy so use it wisely

When I started this blog I thought I’d be writing all the time. Turns out, I’m not that big on writing down my thoughts but instead like creating them in graphical ways through images and short phrases. But I wouldn’t have worked that out if I hadn’t tried. I’ve learned to focus my energy on what matters. If it doesn’t serve me, then I assess if it’s worth pursuing.
being consistent will help in following our dreams

Note to self – we might not always have the motivation so being consistent will help. I know that my morning walk helps me immensely with my physical and mental health. It helps me start the day right plus it’s a great opportunity to explore what I want to be doing with my life. I follow this up with a strength and conditioning weight training session.
Getting these out of the way in the morning ensures I’ve done my fitness for the day, and it also sets me up for the feeling that I’ve accomplished something before I’ve even started the day properly.
By being consistent, I can then follow the plans I’ve made that will help me work towards my dreams. It helps me feel freer, more motivated to get other things done, and happier in general. Consistency works! We literally are our habits and it shows on the outside. And we feel this, on the inside.
others! What? Stop worrying about what other people think

The moment we start to not care about what other people think, is the moment we are free. Stop worrying about what others think and do what makes YOU happy. You are the one living your life, not anyone else. Ditching social media, or at least reducing our time on it can help greatly. Spend the time creating the life you want, not looking at other people’s lives. This frees up a lot of time and helps us focus on ourselves and what we want to achieve.
It can be unnerving being ourselves because we’ve been taught to not stand out and to follow the crowd. In my opinion, this is a shame. We are unique for a reason so standing out is what we’re designed to do. If no one gave a shi* what others thought about them, I reckon we’d see so many more great inventions, cool stuff, and cool people. Stop hiding your talents, give yourself time to explore them, and then share them!
Take a risk - go on, do it

We will only know courage when we learn to taste fear. Get out of your comfort zone. Yes, it’s edgy and it can feel icky. But when we’re out of our comfort zone, we grow. We learn. We expand, and we improve our skills. Heck, we might even learn new skills and not actually die 😉 Push those comfort zone walls down, and take a risk. Explore what you really want to do and make a plan to achieve it.
be of service - if your dreams aligns with helping others, it's a win, win

If you can come up with an idea, a dream, a dream that helps you out and helps out others along the way, you have a win, win situation. I guess you could call this being of service. You’re not only helping yourself, you’re helping others around you.
I truly believe we’re here for a purpose and it’s our job to find out what that purpose is. We’re here to co-create – for example, creating what you want and something that aligns with making the planet and its occupants better off.
alone time - spending time alone helps us narrow in on what we really want to do

If we’re constantly distracted and bombarded with information, we don’t have time to think of what we really want to do. A lot of people don’t want to spend time alone. Maybe because they’re not comfortable with who they really are. I don’t know.
This is where walking alone comes in. Couple this with nature and it’s a match! This alone time can help us formulate ideas, find solutions, and answer questions we may have been asking ourselves.
If I’m struggling with a problem, could be something I’m working on, or something personal, if I head out for a walk, I, 9 out of 10 times, come up with the solution on that walk.
Spending time alone helps us also develop confidence as when we’re alone, we only have ourselves to count on, to rely on. What can be more empowering than being able to rely solely on yourself? If you can’t trust yourself, who can you trust?
bottom line
We are all different and that’s what’s amazing! Do you. Make that dream come into fruition by giving yourself time, exploring who you really are, and then acting on it. Remember, every dream, every thought, started with a single thought and then became reality because someone acted on it.
So go, act on it 🙂