For the past 4 years, I’ve been on an incredible journey of gaining everything, losing everything, and then gaining everything from losing everything!
Category Archives: Lifestyle
Lifestyle can be defined as ‘the way in which a person lives’ and it’s rapidly changing- sometimes for the better, sometimes not. More often than not, we try to make positive changes only to fall flat on our faces. Why? I want to know why so many people seem unhappy and sick these days. The great thing is, it’s possible to change our lives with a bit of help and some resources to get us on the right track.
Ways to Empower Ourselves and Those Around Us
Learning how to empower ourselves and those around us is a crucial element of life and something we need to dig deep for at this point in our civilization.
Drinking Tea to Help Relieve Anxiety and Stress
There are many ways we can relieve our stress and anxiety, and drinking different kinds of tea is one of them. Read on to find out more.
Ways to Increase Our Energy Levels
There are lots of different ways we can increase our energy levels, by trying different things, and then monitoring how we feel afterwards.
Ideas on how to create a Self-Care Toolbox
Creating your own self-care toolbox is a must in today’s world. With all the crazy stuff going on, self-care needs to be top of the list. This is especially relevant for those of us living on the fringes of society.