Pinterest and a Pandemic are not the kind of words that get thrown together in a sentence, but when these two things collided, they helped me make the transformation I needed in my life.
Category Archives: Lifestyle
Lifestyle can be defined as ‘the way in which a person lives’ and it’s rapidly changing- sometimes for the better, sometimes not. More often than not, we try to make positive changes only to fall flat on our faces. Why? I want to know why so many people seem unhappy and sick these days. The great thing is, it’s possible to change our lives with a bit of help and some resources to get us on the right track.
Ways to start living a sustainable life
Finding ways to start living a sustainable life does take effort, and although it’s not always possible with every single purchase we make, we have to start somewhere.
Ways we can support our immune system
Improving our immune system can be achieved by changing certain aspects of our lifestyle and the environment in which we live and work. There are strategies we can put in place to increase our physical, mental, and emotional health, that will help us to achieve better health.
Improving our Well-Being
Change is hard, and it can often hurt, physically, mentally and emotionally. But often what hurts more, and is a much longer process, is doing nothing and accepting it. We tend to believe that changing is too hard when in fact, a swift and more brutal approach, is more likely to be less painful in the long run.
Supporting others in Tough Times
We can support those around us in different ways. Support comes in different forms. We have to do what we can in our own unique situation because we are all different and just trying to do the best we can. Start with your family, your community, and then beyond.