When I was first diagnosed with Coeliac Disease, I had no idea really what vitamins, minerals and nutrients were essential for my health so I started creating infographics. Read on to see what I learned.
Category Archives: ADHD
ADHD affects both children and adults and seems to be on the rise. The symptoms can be debilitating and frustrating but can be alleviated through changes in lifestyle. Unfortunately, this takes time and patience which is something we all seem to struggle with, in today’s society.
Managing ADHD Naturally without Medication – For Adults with ADHD
Managing my ADHD symptoms without medication came out of necessity for me after being diagnosed with Coeliac Disease. It wasn’t an easy transition but I learned how to manage my symptoms by changing my environment.
The Health Benefits of Eggs
Eggs have many health benefits and their versatility means they are a super easy food to add to our diet to improve our overall nutrition and immune support.
ADHD, Motivation, & Strengths-Based Learning
ADHD and motivation often don’t go that well together so using strengths-based learning to tackle my motivational issues was a no-brainer for me. Read on to find out more.
Ways to Empower Ourselves and Those Around Us
Learning how to empower ourselves and those around us is a crucial element of life and something we need to dig deep for at this point in our civilization.