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Learning how to speak up for adults with ADHD is a complex issue. It can due to expressive language issues, but also be due to the fear of being judged by others. We have so many great ideas and solutions to problems, it’s now more important than ever, that we voice our opinions in whatever shape or form we can.
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Learning how to self-regulate our emotions is an essential life skill especially for children with ADHD. Children with ADHD often have a hard time self-regulating where emotions can range in frequency and change rapidly which can largely be due to frustration. But there are ways we can help children with ADHD develop skills to help them self-regulate that they can then use for life.
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Every day we are presented with choices, so many choices, and it’s ultimately down to US, what we do and how we respond. We ultimately create the reality we want to live in, so it makes sense to acknowledge the fact that we are in CHARGE.
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Getting out of our comfort zone helps us to grow and there are plenty of ways we can put ourselves out there! By doing things we would normally not do, we begin to change old habits and start creating the life we really want to live.
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Melatonin, and its effect on our gut and brain health, is an emerging, and highly important, field of research.
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