Looking after ourselves first may seem like a selfish act when in fact, ‘self-care’, is the most important thing we can do. If we can take care of ourselves before doing anything else, we free up space to then help those around us.
Category Archives: Lifestyle
Lifestyle can be defined as ‘the way in which a person lives’ and it’s rapidly changing- sometimes for the better, sometimes not. More often than not, we try to make positive changes only to fall flat on our faces. Why? I want to know why so many people seem unhappy and sick these days. The great thing is, it’s possible to change our lives with a bit of help and some resources to get us on the right track.
Developing Awareness of the Storm Within through Meditation
Meditation can help with developing an awareness of the storm within so we can better understand the ‘self-talk’ running in the background. By going into the storm, it can help us feel more ‘at ease’ with being alone with ourselves, and start to notice the ‘self-talk’ program our mind plays.
Creative Movement Ideas for Adults and Children
Getting creative with different movement ideas, can help both us adults and children. Movement can help us to relax, improve our focus and concentration, and is great way to bring us all together.
Ways to get Children Helping in the Kitchen
There are many different ways we can get children helping in the kitchen. The earlier they start, the more interested they become in food, where it comes from, and how to make stuff themselves.
Helping Our Gut and Immune System when Under Stress
When we’re under stress, it’s easy to forget to help out our gut and immune system so they can function to the best of their ability under pressure. By looking after these two important parts of the body, the brain will also function better. This helps us to then make better decisions, and navigate stressful situations better.